Coping with Hair Loss
Hair loss can be one of the toughest issues that people face as they age. Some of us find that we start losing our hair early; others find that we…
Hair Loss In Your Forties and What To Do About It
If you are just a normal 40-something, hair will start to thin and become fewer and farther between. As your scalp dries (like your skin) your hair follicles have a harder and harder time producing luscious locks. There is help, however, and the latest technology is the Personal Hair Therapy Laser by Nutreve.
Low Level Laser for Hair Growth Therapy – Laser Hair Brush for Thinning Hair
Baldness, medically known as alopecia, is a condition characterized by hair recession on the front and lateral sides of the scalp in men, and diffused hair thinning over the crown and…