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Hair is our Identity and a Marker or Health, Wealth and Status

Go back to cave drawings, the first book plates, or even the first photos of the 1800s…women have a “hairstyle” that coincides with the times. Let’s not leave men out as they go from golden curly locks of the Greeks, to long birdsnest locks of the hippies…long wild hair of the cavemen to long pony-tailed hair of the cutting edge designers in France…shaved heads of fighters to the shaved heads of monks. Mohawks on individualists, slicked back mid-parts of the bankers of the forties. Both sexes have hairstyles that match the age, their status, their beliefs or their job. Everyone is an individual however…and even our attempt to fit into a style is altered by our hair’s thickness, plentitude, curl, color and texture.

Turbans contain long coils of luscious locks, and a ballerina’s bun has a tight knot of smoothed hair. But even hair as different as this contains a same measure of information. It can tell scientists our DNA, what drugs we are taking, what foods we eat and what toxins we have been exposed to. Our life’s story is actually in our hair. Our life’s history is also wrapped up in hair and styling as families still gather to cut and style hair all over the world, and salons are important gathering places where our hairdressers know more about us than most of our friends. Barber shops are places to not only get a shave and a haircut, but also to glean information on anything from politics to sports to neighborhood gossip male-style.

Hair signifies the condition of our health as well. Embattled cancer victims lose their hair to chemotherapy while heart disease and aging signal changes in our hair in either sex. Hair loss can mean you are truly becoming your father or mother, or it can signal a rapid change brought on by internal or external disease. No matter what it means, changes in hair due to age, pregnancy, the weather or the way we style or treat our hair is noticeable to everyone. We can only stay as healthy as possible and style according to our age. NOT…there are certainly ways to set back the clock or recoup damage due to lifestyle and Mother Nature. Let’s check out a couple of these remedies.

We are born with either oily or dry scalp and of course this can change as we age. In general, our sebaceous glands produce oil to help lubricate the area where hair exits our follicles to allow it to slip out without breaking off. These glands produce a varying amount of oil. Frequent washing and the use of shampoos with sudsing agents, blow –drying, dry air, age and some medicines can exacerbate dryness, where oily treatments or excessive brushing can make hair seem oilier. We need to adjust our treatments, products and habits to all of these conditions.

Dandruff is actually the flaking of dry scalp skin. It can be caused by dryness, not shampooing often enough, sensitivities to shampoos or medications or chronic conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Medicating shampoos tackle or ease such symptoms as well as killing the yeast that can get out of control in our follicles…also causing scalp irritation and dandruff.

Graying hair is just a change in pigmentation of the hair producing cells in the follicles. As we age this pigmentation is lost and gray hair takes over. Gray hair can appear in our teens, thirties, or much later in life. Most of this process is determined by genetics. Some scientists however report that smoking or extreme stress can exacerbate the process. Hair dyes come in all types and colors for all types and chemistry of hair. Most salons do a great job in matching the type of dyes with your hair type and soften the effect with treatments that counteract the harm of the dye process.

What can we do to keep the hair we have? Get the latest in a natural hair loss treatment by using the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser. It is a laser hair brush that has 35 pulsing cool wave lasers which target the follicles to increase blood flow, production and quality of hair produced. Used 15-20 minutes every other day, it will increase quality and function of any viable hair follicle. Any ethnic group, hair color or consistency of hair is helped by this laser hair restoration device.

Now, no matter what the era, style, story, job or amount of money you have, your hair can look its best!