Is the laser hair brush the silver bullet for hair loss? Upon further research, this hand-held laser device can be aided by several other items. One of these helpers is s DHT blocker. Though there are many factors that contribute to the thinning or loss of hair in women, one factor that should be understood is DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). Just like there is good and bad cholesterol, there also is a good and bad testosterone. The enzyme named 5 alpha-reductase produced in the adrenal glands and ovaries of the female, attaches to and converts good testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone, the bad form of testosterone. The DHT then attaches to a genetically weak follicle, choking off the blood supply and stopping the flow of needed nutrients for proper hair growth. This triggers the hair loss process. If there is no defensive therapy, the follicle stops growing and dies. The use of a laser hair comb can supplement any medical or hormonal defense therapies you might want to take.
One way to prevent the hair loss process in women is through the use of a DHT blocker. These blockers work by preventing the 5 alpha-reductase and the testosterone from combining into DHT. Therefore the optimal blood flow that carries nutrients and keeps cellular processes going is maintained. This prevents premature miniaturization and death of hair follicles, leading to hair loss. With the stigma associated with female hair loss, a DHT blocker should be one of the first choices for women who want to prevent further loss and even re-grow hair in affected areas. Of course you should be aware that there are products that claim to re-grow a lustrous, full head of hair on completely bald areas. Once DHT has destroyed a hair follicle…that particular hair can never re-grow. The object is to catch follicles before they completely atrophy. Women first experience hair loss on the top of the head, at the temple area and along the hairline. These are the areas where the DHT attaches itself to the cells of the follicle. If a laser hair comb is used before any hair thinning has started, the follicles will have a better chance or remaining viable. Laser hair therapy uses light therapy or photobiostimulation to keep the blood and nutrients flowing to each follicle to keep hair thick and healthy.
It’s hard to choose a solution due to the wide range of such hair loss prevention and treatment products on the market today. Research of laser hair combs shows that in ease of use, lack of side effects and visible results, this laser treatment may be just the solution of the decade. The laser light therapy is directed only where needed and does not affect the hormone balance in the rest of the body.

One can find a DHT blocker in various forms including shampoos, overnight scalp treatments and hormonal supplements. Certain prescription medications also claim to block the formation of DHT, but most of them are not FDA approved for women. Individuals, who have the desire to stop hair loss and want their hair to grow back, should use DHT products that are natural and do not require prescriptions. Used along with a laser hair comb, the results are proving to be remarkable.
The best laser hair comb to purchase is one whose manufacturer includes or recommends a system of hair re-growth products. These products best include a non-sudsing shampoo, non-buildup conditioner, hair specific vitamin recommendations and a water filtration system for your shower water to remove chlorine. While this may sound expensive, it is now more affordable than ever and worth research. Your best choice is also to purchase from a manufacturer with a d great customer service.