Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just pop a pill and our and our hair would grow back to the same hair that we had in our 20s or even our 30s? Any treatment for thinning hair however needs to be researched. Popping a pill is certainly NOT a natural hair loss treatment. Although this new drug is FDA approved, it is currently used to treat bone-marrow disorders…some of which are bone cancer and leukemia. I’m not so sure one would take this drug unless our life was in danger. I am looking for a female hair loss treatment that is effective, but also safe.
The best thinning hair treatment I could imagine would be one that was good for both females and males. (That way my husband and I could share not only products, but also our success!) In investigating this 5 month miracle pill, I found that it has successfully restored hair growth in people with alopecia, an autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles all over the body causing baldness.
It is, however in the very beginning stages of experimentation and I’m hoping it can become a tool for those with alopecia if it can pass muster and eventually become available in the drug market. While we wait and see we can be combating our current thinning process with a laser hair brush or laser hair comb which is proving to be the safest and most innovative product in the market so far.
Taking any kind of drug scares me. With all of the natural food I try to eat, that never-ending exercise I try to keep up with, and the extra steps I take to assure I am breathing cleaner air…I do not want to put an unnecessary drug into my system! Lasers however, have now become a mainstream commodity. They are used as cat and dog toys. Lasers cut through metal and create beautiful, delicate designs in paper. They are in my dentist’s office zapping the bacteria under my gums, my gym keeping certain surfaces sanitary and in my dermatologist’s office creating smoother skin. Lasers remove scars, pimples, fat cells and hair…..wait a minute, remove hair?????
That’s the BEAUTY of lasers. They can be calibrated to do everything from cutting to healing. Hence, laser hair therapy for women (and laser hair therapy for men) is now the standard for treating thinning, balding people all over the world.
Researching laser hair therapy further brought me to a phenomenally easy to use device (designed and made in the U.S.A. no less) called the Nutreve Personal Hair Therapy Laser. It has a unique head-shaped curved surface that is smooth and easy to keep clean. It also serves more surface area and has more pulsing lasers (not LED lights that do not do as much), than any other hand-held laser hair restoration product out there, giving maximum effectiveness for time spent. They also have a hands-free stand that holds the laser for you enabling you to multi-task (and who wouldn’t want that???). As far as bang for your buck, this laser hair brush for hair loss is the best on the market for laser hair restoration. No surgery, no down-time, no driving to a clinic, no pills. I’m sold…check it out!